Monday, October 14, 2013

I.) Introduction

Philippine Literature is the literature associated with the Philippines and includes the legends of prehistory, and the colonial legacy of the Philippines. Most of the notable literature of the Philippines was written during the Spanish period and the first half of the 20th century in Spanish language. Philippine literature is written in Spanish, English, Tagalog, or other native Philippine languages.

 Literature are written works collectively, especially those of enduring importance, exhibiting creative imagination and artistic skill (Funk and Wagnalls). Literature comes from the Latin word literature meaning writing; literatus which means learning; and thus is literate for learned.  It is both oral and written work characterized by expressive or imaginative writing, nobility of thoughts, universality and timeliness. The best way to understand human nature fully and to know a nation completely is to study literature. Literature appeals to man’s higher nature and its needs–emotional, spiritual, intellectual and creative. Like all other forms of art, literature entertains and gives pleasure; it fires the imagination and arouses noble emotions and it enriches man by enabling him to reflect on life by filling him new ideas.

The word literature is derived from the Latin term litera which means letter. It has been defined differently by various writers. Some loosely interpret literature as any printed matter written within a book, a magazine or a pamphlet. Others define literature as a faithful reproduction of man’s manifold experiences blended into one harmonious expression.Because literature deals with ideas, thoughts and emotions of man, literature can be said to be the story of man. Man’s loves, griefs, thoughts, dreams and aspirations coached in beautiful language is literature.In order to know the history of a nation’s spirit, one must read its literature. Hence it is, that to understand the real spirit of a nation, one must “trace the little rills as they course along down the ages, broadening and deepening into the great ocean of thought which men of the present source are presently exploring.”

II.) Students Output

III.) Own Composition

Short Story

Contrast Poem

IV.) Contemporary Filipino Authors

1. Edilberto K. Tiempo  
                                             SAMPLE WORK
2. Bienvenido Santos 
                                            SAMPLE WORK
3. Alejandro Roces 
                                           SAMPLE WORK 
4. Nick Joaquin 
                                           SAMPLE WORK
5. Jessica Hagedorn 
                                           SAMPLE WORK 
6. Gilda Cordero-Fernando 
                                          SAMPLE WORK
7. Linda Ty Casper

                                        SAMPLE of WORK 
8. Lualhati Bautista 
                                         SAMPLE WORK
9. Manuel Buising 
                                        SAMPLE WORK
10. Edgardo M. Reyes 
                                       SAMPLE WORK                                                                                                                        
Region I

1. Amador Daguio

                                         SAMPLE of WORK

2. Isabelo de los Reyes
                                                 SAMPLE WORK 

3. F. Sionil Jose
                                                   SAMPLE WORK

4. Carlos Bulosan
                                                  SAMPLE WORK

5. Manuel Arguilla
                                                 SAMPLE WORK 

6. Salvador P. Lopez-
                                                  SAMPLE WORK

7. Gregorio C. Brillantes
                                                 SAMPLE WORK

8. Pedro Bucaneg
                                               SAMPLE WORK        

9. Jose Maria Sison
                                               SAMPLE WORK       

10. Juan S.P. Hidalgo, Jr.
                                                SAMPLE WORK

Region II

1. Fernando M. Maramag 

                                                SAMPLE WORK 

2. Leona Florentino 

                                                SAMPLE WORK 

3. Gregorio Aglipay 

                                                SAMPLE WORK 

4. Emmanuel F. Lacaba 


                                                 SAMPLE WORK 

5. Ines Taccad Cammayo

                                                 SAMPLE WORK 

6. Alfred Yuson 


7. Norman Wilwayco 



8. Naya S. Valdellon 

                                           BIOGRAPHY and Its WORK 

9. Ana Marie Villanueva-Lykes 


                                                   SAMPLE WORK 

10. Amado Vinuya 



Region III

1. Francisco Balagtas
                                           SAMPLE WORK

2. Zoilo Galang     
                                            SAMPLE WORK

3. Angela Manalang Gloria

                                             SAMPLE WORK 
4. Rony V. Diaz


5. Virgilio S. Almarino

                                               SAMPLE WORK

6. Carlo J. Caparas

                                              SAMPLE WORK

7. Nicanor Abelardo

                                             SAMPLE WORK

8. Marcelo H. del Pilar

                                             SAMPLE WORK                     

9. Rene Villanueva


10. Jessica Zafra


Region IV

1. Alejandro G. Abadilla
                                            SAMPLE WORK

2. Jose Rizal
                                           SAMPLE WORK

3. Jose Dalisay, Jr.
                                               SAMPLE WORK

4. Paz M. Latorena

                                             SAMPLE WORK

5. Paz Marquez Binetez


6. Maximo M. Kalaw


7. Horacio dela Costa, S.J

                                            SAMPLE WORK 

8. N.V.M Gonzalaes


9. Mars Ravelo

                                           SAMPLE WORK 

10. Diosdado G. Alesna

Region V

1. Ricardo Lee  
                                          SAMPLE WORK     

2. Diana Agbayani

3. Abdon M. Balde Jr.


4. Donato Mejia Alvarez

                                         SAMPLE WORK 

Region VI

1. Dominador I. Ilio 

                                           SAMPLE WORK

2. Antonio S. Gabila 

                                           SAMPLE WORK

3. Merlie M. Alunan 

                                           SAMPLE WORK 

4. Stevan Javellana 

                                           SAMPLE WORK

5. Peter Solis Nery 

                                          SAMPLE WORK 

6. John Iremil Teodoro 

                                          SAMPLE WORK 

7. Bryan Mari Agros

                                           SAMPLE WORK

8. Mark Anthony A. Grejaldo

                                  BIOGRAPHY and Its WORK 

9. Daisy H. Avellana

                                 BIOGRAPHY and Its WORK 

Region VII

1. Cecilia Manguerra Brainard
                                             SAMPLE WORK

2. Estrella Alfon
                                             SAMPLE WORK

3. Simeon Dumdum Jr.

                                             SAMPLE WORK

4. Gemino Henson Abad


5. Temiskoles Adlawan

                                           SAMPLE WORK

6. Cecilia Manguerra Brainard


7. Peter Bacho


8. Marjorie Evasco


9. Emeniano Acain Somoza Jr,

                                           SAMPLE WORK
 10. Ernesto Superal Ye

                              SAMPLE WORK 

Region VIII

1. Francisco Soc Rodrigo 

                                       SAMPLE WORK

2. Carlos A. Angeles 

                                      SAMPLE WORK

3. Ramon Escoda 

                                        SAMPLE WORK  

Region IX

1. Martha Cecilia
                                             SAMPLE WORK

2. Cesar Ruiz Aquino

                                          SAMPLE WORK 

Region X

1. Joey Ayala 

                                          SAMPLE WORK 

Region XI

1. Leoncio P. Deriada 

                                        SAMPLE WORK

2. Danny Sillada