Monday, October 14, 2013

Short Story

The Heart of Music
     Once upon a time in a far away land named Paraiso, people of Bathala (the creator of all things - the sea, the sky, the earth, and all the vegetation around us) peacefully lived. Paraiso is a blessed land because mortals maintain peacefulness and love not only in Paraiso but also to their folks. Makisig (the brave, intelligent, wise and kind-hearted mortal) and his wife Marikit (beautiful, kind-hearted and loving mother and wife) are very devoted to Bathala and so he made them rule over the blessed land. Everything is well under their governance. Both of them are approachable and kind-hearted and so mortals respect them just how they respect gods and goddesses.

        Makisig and Marikit had a lovely, beautiful and one of a kind maiden. She is as white as the snow, had rosy cheeks, eyes are quite big, intelligent and kind-hearted just like her parents. She is almost perfect, but of course, she inherited all of this to her parents. The maiden had a beautiful name, Maganda. Maganda likes animals and fond of flowers and so she had a paradise like garden where she gathered all her favorite plants especially flowers together with birds and butterflies. This was started since she knows how to talk and to sing. She keeps her garden a secret to her friends and let nobody knows about it except of course to her parents. Her secret garden is her only place where she hangs-out especially when her parents are in the farm or not around.

            Maganda is really fond of singing most especially when she is in her garden because there, she feels free to do what she wants and free to express what she feels. In her garden, she had with herself one butterfly and one bird that could understand her and whom she can talk to. These two creatures was a gift to her by Mayari (the most beautiful divinity in the court of Bathala). Mayari gave those to her as a gift when her mother Marikit gave birth to her. Mayari likes Maganda and she is really fond of her because she before wanted to have a child and aside from it is that, Mayari and Marikit were best of friends since before Marikit met her husband Makisig with at least the help of Mayari.

            She gave those to Maganda as a present for them to be with her and also for Maganda to feel that Mayari is always there to be with and to protect her. Maganda named the butterfly Musette, and Musica for the bird. These two creatures also love singing especially for Musica when there is a harmony of a guitar.

            Dumangan (the deity of good harvest), have nothing to do at the Kaluwalhatian (the dwelling place of Bathala and the highest of ethereal place) and so he decided to visit the land of Paraiso. There he found out that people are hard working and they were all dedicated to their work. They always give thanks for what they had received. When he goes back to Kaluwalhatian, he immediately talks to Bathala. He tell him of what he saw in Paraiso and asked him if he, together with his wife Ikapati (the goddess of cultivated and her gift to man was agriculture) could give mortals a special gift from them. Bathala knew everything. With a smile on his face, he obeys Dumangan for his favor. Bathala told him to call Idianale (the goddess of labor and good deeds) because he has something to tell her.

            After Dumangan asked favor to Bathala, he call for Idianale. Idianale went were Bathala sits, facing those children singing their favorite lovely song for Bathala. He was so entertained by them. When he saw Idianale, he talked to her. He tell that he want her to go to Paraiso to meet Makisig and Marikit and tell them that they must have to prepare for they will have a good harvest after some few unfortunate events. Idianale asked if how many problems will bother the people and Bathala said that two problems will do, but after those problems are blessings as long as they keep their faith to him. He said that after the harvest, they must offer the best of their crops to Bathala. Makisig and Marikit would bring the crops to the temple to offer and Dumangan together with your sister Ikapati would meet them there. Idianale once again asked when people of Paraiso will harvest their crops, and Bathala said, the day after tomorrow. Without follow up questions, Idianale went to Paraiso for what she has to do.

            In Paraiso, there she found Makisig and Marikit singing while picking some flowers in the farm. They gather all those beautiful and let Maganda arrange it in order to beautify and to be presentable to offer to the temple. At their back, Idianale sung the song they sing and it made the couple stop with what they do. After a few seconds, they all laugh. Marikit asked Idianale for her reason of coming and so Idianale gave every details to the couple according to what Bathala had told her. The couple was shocked with what they hear because from the very beginning, Bathala never gave them any problem and so people of Paraiso almost did not know how to worry besides, Bathala is always there for them.

            Bathala would let this unfortunate events to happen for the people to keep their faith to him and to believe that he will never let them suffer that much as long as they call for him.

            At the last of their conversation, unfortunate events did not now matter to Makisig and Marikit. They just bare in their minds that, whatever happens, they will never lose their faith to Bathala because nothing is impossible to him. When they finally knew what Bathala want them to do, Idianale went back to Kaluwalhatian. Makisig and Marikit continue with what they are doing. They keep on singing with of course, a smile on their faces.

            As sun sets, all are going home except for Makisig and Marikit because they're waiting for their daughter from her garden to come home together. Maganda's garden is a part of the farm but it's just her and her parents who know the way to it. From her secret garden, she went to her parents and they got home together.

            Their house is not much far from the farm. Inside the house, Maganda was busy for her flower arrangement while her parents were talking about that unfortunate event. With an excuse, she entered the conversation. She asked her parents about it. Makisig and Marikit share the details they got from Idianale. In their family, all must be open to each other.

            In a peaceful evening, all sleep with peace of mind. All rest early. In the middle of the night, pests unfortunately invade the farm's crops. While people are in deep sleep, pests had a feast in the farm. All healthy crops are damaged by those pests.

            In the morning, as their daily routine, mortals woke up early and went to the farm after they took their breakfast. A few men prefer to be there as early as sun rises and suddenly, they were shocked with what they saw. It was really an unfortunate event for them because it never happens in their entire life living in Paraiso. They immediately call for Makisig and Marikit. When all are in the farm, some got scared while others were nervous because they don't even know what was happened. Many lose their hope seeing the crops damaged for it was the very first time it happened in Paraiso.


     Makisig and Marikit explained to the people about that unfortunate event and they told them that it was just a challenge from Bathala to keep their faith to him. The couple said that there is nothing to worry about but some people almost lose hope especially when Makisig and Marikit told them that they will have a good harvest the day after tomorrow. They always believe with what the couple says but it seems to some people that it will be impossible to have a good harvest with that situation of their crops.

            Faithfulness to Bathala is what Makisig and Marikit always says to all the mortals of Paraiso. They also said that, there is another unfortunate happening to come so they must be prepared because no one in Paraiso knows what it will be. All they have to do is to call for Bathala because he is always there to answer them. The couple encouraged the people to go back to their houses and call for Bathala and of course, be ready for what will happen next. So the people prefer to go home.

            Evening came, and all got home. Makisig and his family rest early as if nothing has happened. They knew that it is Bathala's will so there is nothing to worry about, while a few families of mortals are worried with what will happen tomorrow but at least, they are all prepared.

            As sun shines, all were surprised by the flood. They can't get out of their house because they were afraid that it might cause something they don't know. They can't help but to be inside their houses and watch as the land gets dry. They don't have any chance to look for the farm so what they did is to praise Bathala because at least, there is not even any casualty in their beloved land.

            Some of them wonder how and where did the water came from, even there is no rain the whole night. People stayed at home that day. On the next day, Makisig, with Marikit and their daughter Maganda were so excited going to the farm and so with all the people in Paraiso, for the time to the harvest have come. They prefer to be in the farm so early. People were so surprised seeing that there's almost nothing happened to their crops. It doesn't look damaged by pests, and drenched with flood. They were so thankful to Bathala because he really did his promised of good harvest.

            Maganda immediately went to her secret garden. Makisig and Marikit told to the people to harvest their crops and offer those best to Bathala. They also reminded them to give thanks to Dumangan and Ikapati for their gifts to them. The people spent their whole day harvesting their crops. As they finished it, they bring those best to the temple to offer to Bathala and to some of the god and goddesses.

            Maganda, in her garden, picked of course those flowers which she thinks Mayari would like. Musette and Musica helped her while doing their favorite hobby which is singing. They sung and sung until they didn't notice that it's getting afternoon. They used to beautify it after they finished, Maganda bring it to the temple.
            In Kaluwalhatian, Bathala was so impressed with his people. They never lose their hope instead, they kept it and it's getting stronger.

            Dumangan and Ikapati were ready to meet the couple and to bring those offered crops in Kaluwalhatian. Mapulon (the god of season), son of Dumangan and Ikapati would like to go with his parents in Paraiso. He said that he has nothing to do in Kaluwalhatian and so he pleased to Bathala to let him go with his parents. Bathala forgive his desire and it made the young man so happy because it will going to be his first time to be there in the promised land. As they were leaving, Mayari shouted that they have to say her greetings to her beloved Maganda. Ikapati smiled and nod at her.

            In Paraiso, after people bring their best crops to the temple, they got home. It has been twilight and yet, no body is outside except for Maganda. She is on her garden beautifying her beautiful flowers for Bathala and Maganda. When Dumangan with his family were in Paraiso, they have decided to go first to the farm to give their special gifts to the mortals.

            Maganda finished her flower arrangement so she decided to go to the temple because her parents might be waiting for her there. Musica was left in the garden while Musette was with Maganda. While Dumangan and Ikapati were doing something, Mapulon decided to roam around the farm.

            Musica, expressing her happy feeling with a lovely song, sung like there is no tomorrow. Mapulon accidentally heard her. He followed her voice and so he found the way to the secret garden. He was surprised as he opens the gate and there he found a paradise that is full of flowers. He was so impressed and amazed with the garden's beauty and with the fragrance of those beautiful flowers. He took a walk and asked himself if who in Paraiso have made that wonderful paradise. His attention once again caught by the little beautiful voice of Musica. She didn't noticed him with her eyes closed feeling her lovely environment. Mapulon sat on a big stone and started to play his guitar. He knew what Musica was singing because his mother used to sing it to him when he was a child. When Mapulon started to sing with his guitar, it made Musica stopped singing and fell in love with the harmony as she saw Mapulon playing his guitar. When he noticed that she saw him, he stopped singing. He asked her about the garden and Musica gave him details he wanted to know.

          At the temple, Dumangan and Ikapati met Makisig and Marikit. While they four were talking, Maganda arrived. With her flowers, she greeted the god and goddess as she hand a bouquet of flower to Ikapati. Ikapati said she knew that it was for Mayari. Maganda just smiled and nod at her. Mayari added that Maganda is really beautiful and getting more beautiful as her mother is, and they all smiled. She also said that Mayari misses Maganda and her best friend Marikit. After their long conversation, Makisig and Marikit decided to go home, and so with Dumangan and Ikapati to go back to Kaluwalhatian.

            Makisig's family got home. Dumangan and Ikapati call for their son to go back to Kaluwalhatian. Until they reached their place, Mapulon keeps on talking about the beautiful garden he found in Paraiso. As Ikapati give those flowers to Mayari, Mapulon saw it and he used to smell it. His curiosity with the garden lasts in Kaluwalhatian and those elder gods and goddesses just let him with what he wants. They just forgive him with the fact that he is the youngest of all gods. Mayari heard him about those flowers.

            Mapulon can't stop himself thinking about Paraiso the whole night.
The next day, he asked Bathala if he could go back to Paraiso to visit the beautiful garden he found and so Bathala obey him.

            In the secret garden, he looks for Musica. Musica asked him if he could play a lovely song with his guitar. Mapulon forgive her request. He played a song with his guitar while Musica sings. Musette woke up because she was disturbed by Musica and Mapulon. When she saw Mapulon, she hesitated for Maganda might get angry whenever she knows that somebody got inside their secret garden. Musica explained everything about Mapulon to Musette. She was quite convinced.
In the farm, everyone was shocked seeing new and healthy crops that are again ready to harvest. They make sure that all crops are harvested and so they were shocked seeing another batch waiting to harvest. Makisig and Marikit tell them that it was a gift from Dumangan and Ikapati so they must have to give thanks to them.

When Maganda is about to open the gate to her secret garden, she heard something. It was really weird for her. When she finally got inside, she was shocked when she saw Mapulon playing his guitar while Musica and Musette were enjoyed singing. Mapulon saw her and it made him stop playing guitar. He was also amazed with Maganda's beauty. Musica immediately introduce Mapulon to Maganda and Maganda to him. Maganda, instead of getting angry, prefer to be nice and friendly to Mapulon. They get the chance to know each other there and they were become friends. They both were fond of singing so Mapulon once again play his guitar and they all sing together.

It was really a great day to all of them especially to Mapulon and Maganda for they become friends. When Mapulon got at the Kaluwalhatian and he tell everyone with what had happened to Paraiso. Before that there is no other word they can hear to them except the beautiful garden, it was now replaced by the name of Maganda. Gods and goddesses were happy that they finally met.

Maganda also tell to her parents about Mapulon. They were also happy for both of them because they are now friends. Maganda was fond of him. They both have the same interest.

Since that day, Mapulon made a habit of going to Paraiso. They always hang out there, picking beautiful flowers and singing all together.

In Kaluwalhatian, all were happy for Mapulon with his new hobby. He finally had a thing that could make him happy. He always tells to everyone in Kaluwalhatian all the happenings in the secret garden and so with Maganda to her parents.
In the lower world, seeing all is well made Manisilat (the goddess of broken homes) so irritated.  She hates happy moments. Manisilat asked Sitan (chief deity of the lower world) a permission that she will do something in Paraiso. Sitan forgive her. Manisilat asked Hukloban ( had a power to chance herself into any form she desired) a favor.  She told her that she had a plan which Hukloban would really like.

Manisilat planned to broke the relationship between Mayari and Maganda and so she decided to let the two of them fight with the help of Hukloban.

On the next day, just like their daily habit, Maganda and Mapulon prepares for they were meet in the secret garden. Mapulon got there that early in the morning. Maganda was pleased by her mother to accompany her in the temple because they have to clean there. She did not even have a chance to tell her friends that she could not come in the garden.

It was then a good timing for Manisilat to do her plans. She sent Hukloban to Paraiso to do something.

Mapulon together with Musette and Musica have been waiting for her. When a beautiful maiden finally arrived, they asked her why in the very first time that she did not come on time. Maganda told them that she just had a bad morning with her parents because they want her to keep away from Mapulon. Hearing those words makes Mapulon so sad but Maganda cheer him up. She told him to pick some flowers for her to arrange. Mapulon agreed with her and he told her to arrange a bouquet of flowers for Mayari. Maganda stopped when she heard it. It takes a minute before Maganda talk again. She tell that, she is so tired making a bouquet of flowers to Mayari. She doesn't want to make some of it again. She also said that she is more beautiful than Mayari.

When Mapulon and two creatures heard what she said, they were frozen by those words. They asked Maganda with her problem and she said none. It's just that, she's tired preparing flowers for her and she doesn't want Mayari anymore. Maganda told Mapulon to go back to Kaluwalhatian and to tell Mayari that, if she wants flowers, she should pick it herself.

As the sun sets, Mapulon and Maganda decided to go home. Mapulon wondered why Maganda said all of those words. When he arrived at Kaluwalhatian, it bothered him. Although Maganda told him to tell everything to Mayari, he preferred to keep it to himself because he doesn't want Mayari get angry to Maganda. His mother Ikapati saw him at one side, silently thinking. Ikapati talked to him and as his mother, he doesn't want to lie with her. He told her everything about Maganda at Paraiso and they both took a deep think. Maganda is a very kind maiden and so they can't believe that she would say all of those words to Mayari.

Ikapati told Mayari what Maganda said and as her second mother, she can't help but to cry. She can't believe that Maganda would do this to her. From that very moment, she got angry to Maganda. Mapulon is not anymore allowed to go to Paraiso especially in the secret garden again.

Maganda and her mother finally got home. They were so tired with what they do that day. Maganda was thinking about her secret garden.

On the next morning, she hurriedly went to her garden. She was excited to see her friends again. There, she wondered why Musette and Musica doesn't talk to her. She asked where Mapulon is, and nobody answered. Musica told her that they were upset with after those words she said for Mayari. Maganda could not understand them. Musica and Musette explained to her what she did. She was shocked and cannot remember anything about yesterday. Maganda explained to two of them that she does not have the chance to be at the garden yesterday because she was with her mother at the temple. She accompanied her there to clean the temple. She also said the she loves Mayari just how she loves her mother.

It was then for Musica and Musette to think if who in Paraiso did met them there yesterday to pretend as Maganda.

Many days have past and yet, Mapulon did not ever come back to the garden and they don't know why. Maganda was really affected to what had happened and even Mayari does not talk to her at her dreams as what she always do.

It's been a year that their problem lasts and even the people of Paraiso got affected. They think that Bathala forgot them. Many unfortunate events came and all of them were affected. Floods damaged their crops and so with many pests that is why they almost don't have foods to eat because there is nothing ready to be harvest. It has been many months that they suffer so much with those unfortunate events for them.

Seeing people suffering, and with the gods and goddesses not in good term, made Manisilat so much happy and so those in the lower world. The suffering of Paraiso is what the lower world's happiness.

 When people knew that it was then Maganda, the cause of their suffering, they all got angry to their family. They did not even listen to Makisig and Marikit. Maganda can't help herself but to cry. She always prayed to Bathala to help them because she knows that Bathala knew everything.  

One afternoon, Mayari talked to Marikit. She said that she don't want what Maganda said about her because it was a sign of disrespect to her. She also said that Mapulon is not anymore allowed to meet her again in the secret garden in especially not allowed to go to Paraiso. Maganda accidentally saw them talking and she immediately apologized to Mayari. She told that she did not say anything about and against her because she loved her just like her mother. With tears on her eyes, Maganda kneeled in front of Mayari asking for forgiveness and to believe that she is innocent about that matter. For Mayari to believe her, she sung the song her mother always sings to her since she was a little girl. The song really touches Mayari's heart and most especially, it was Maganda who sung it to her with all her love to mayari. She sung the song with all her love and so Mayari appreciated it. At last, she accepted Maganda's apology. It was then the start for them to wonder if who would pretend as Maganda in order for the two of them to fight.

In the lower world, Manisilat was so happy that there is now a misunderstanding between the gods in Kaluwalhatian and in Paraiso.

In Kaluwalhatian, Mayari told everyone that it is not Maganda who said those words for her but an imposter. It immediately comes in the mind of Idianale that, it was Hukloban that could only chance herself in any form she desired, could do it. Now they made a plan.

Once again, they let Mapulon go back to the garden and Maganda at the temple. In the garden, a lovely maiden Maganda immediately arrived. Mapulon, Musette and Musica already knew that it was not Maganda because she was again at the temple. There, they entertain Maganda as if it was really Maganda. When the gods and goddesses had a chance to catch her, they did not let her be away from the anymore. They bring the maiden to the temple where Maganda is and so they have proved that it was really an imposter. They found out that it was really Hulkoban.

They did everything just for Hukloban to tell them the truth. When she finally said that it was Manisilat, the master mind, Mayari got angrier. She went to the lower world to meet Manisilat. Nobody could stop her and so she do it herself just what she wants.

In the lower world, Mayari fought Manisilat. Without the existence of Sitan and Bathala, they fought as if they kill each other. Some of the gods and goddesses wanted to help Mayari, but Bathala told them to let her finished it just with herself. Bathala believed that Mayari would win the fight because he is with her.

After how many days of fighting, Mayari accidentally cut Manisilat's hair and it was then the start for Manisilat to lose the fight. Her strength was in her hair so she got weak when Mayari cut it. Mayari won the crown. She loses Manisilat. Manisilat promised that she would keep away from Paraiso for the sake that Mayari would keep her alive. She promised not to disturb them anymore.

She goes back to Paraiso with a big smile on her face. She asked forgiveness to Maganda for she accused her. Maganda replied her with a lovely song that they always sing to her secret garden. Mayari sung with her and so with her mother Marikit. Mapulon played his guitar and music last in the whole land of Paraiso.

It was then the start of once again peacefulness in the blessed land of Paraiso. Mortals asked forgiveness to Makisig's family especially to Maganda for they accused her. Even they did it to her; Maganda does not even change her feelings to her beloved folks in Paraiso. With a kind hearted heart, she accepted their apology and once again started a new and peaceful life just like before. Mortals finally knew not to accuse anyone with the problems they encountered especially when they don't have proof to it.

In the secret garden, Mapulon and Maganda finally met after a year of not seeing each other because with what had happened. At first, there is a hesitant for them to talk but Mapulon broke the silence between them. He told her that he believed it was not really her who said those words for Mayari. Maganda just smiled and nod at him. Mapulon asked an apology to her. She said no words but rather, she hold his hand and started to sing a lovely song. Mapulon was amazed to her. He told that, she really has a wonderful voice. Maganda replied that, when you sing, sing with all of your heart so you can feel the song and it would really made the song wonderful. Maganda continued her singing and so Mapulon started to play his guitar. They both sung the song with all of their heart so it made the song wonderful.

 From the secret garden, all gods and goddesses watch them from Kaluwalhatian with a very big smile on their faces. 

---------------------THE END------------------

1 comment:

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